
5th November Lightshow

On the 5th November 2023 our neighbour across the road from us knocked on the door around teatime.
Jane Fraser is a very talented artist (you can see some of her work here )

She came to inform me and Penny that there was an unusual streak of light in the sky. We popped out and sure enough there was STEVE. Not a person but an acronym for Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement. Basically it is a streak of light that sometimes accompanies the Aurora Borrealis.
I grabbed my camera and we all tracked up to the cemetery behind our house. Here was a light display on bonfire night that was not man made. I took several shots but this one I felt was the best. This streak was moving above us from East to West. The camera took a long exposure – 30 seconds. That was enough to capture the beautiful colour that the eye could barely see. Had it been further on the evening when it was considerably darker the light would have been even more prominent. Anyway thanks to Jane for knocking on the door!


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